Olympic Ministry Memory: Winter Olympics and Bobsledding

Did you know that the Olympics are held every two years? It's true! I didn't know that when I attended my first Olympics in Sydney in the year 2000. Beginning in 1994, the IOC separated the Summer and Winter Olympic Games and placed them in alternating even-number years. So while this is my 20th calendar year to be involved in Olympic Ministry Outreaches, it will be my 11th Olympics. One of the things that have taken me a while to get used to is how short the time frame between the closing of the Summer Games and the opening of the Winter Games are. Typically Summer Olympics meet in July or August of the year with the Winter Olympics meeting in February of the year. There are about 15 months between the closing of the Winter Olympic Games and the opening of the Summer Olympic Games. Whereas there are typically 22 months between the Summer Olympic Games and the Winter Olympic Games. Those 7 months make a difference! (Trivia questio...