Join Jeff on the Journey to Japan

Team Members Needed!

The Countdown is on!  
Only 202 days until the Opening Ceremonies for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games
(as of 1/4/20).

Tokyo 2020 Represents
  • 20 years of taking the Word to the World!
  • 11 Olympic Games, 6 Summer, 5 Winter.
  • 5 Continents: Australia, North America, Europe, Asia, and South America.
  • 4 incredibly supportive churches where I have served on staff:
    • Grace Baptist Church, Evansville, Indiana
    • Parkway Baptist Church, Creve Coeur, Missouri
    • Cross Keys Baptist Church, Florissant, Missouri
    • Chesterfield Community Church, Chesterfield, Missouri
  • 100's of support team members praying and giving.
  • 1000's of Gospel conversations, seeds planted, Christians encouraged and countless numbers of decisions to follow Jesus.

Will you join me in this ministry opportunity as a Journey to Japan Team Member?

As a Journey to Japan Team Member you can:
  • Pray for the Gospel to be demonstrated and declared during the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.
  • Pray for Jeff over the next 30 weeks (Jan. 4 - July 23) as he prepares spiritually, prayerfully, physically, and financially.
  • Review each week's Beyond the Rings Journey to Japan update which will include stories from the past 10 Olympic outreaches as well as fundraising updates.
  • Share the stories and the opportunity for the Gospel during Tokyo 2020. This may include passing along the BtR updates on social media, in conversations with family, small groups, Sunday School classes, churches, and with other Christ-followers in your life.
  • Give financially to support the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Outreach.

Yes! I want to receive the weekly BtR Journey to Japan updates.

Visit to see pictures, videos and to read stories from the last 10 Olympic outreaches.


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